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OUR +1



Our +1 is a unique individual who brings forward a passion that fuels us to create a one of a kind experience surrounding that passion. They take the leap into telling their story and sharing their expertise with the team to guide us towards our next big experience, teaching us all the wonders of their interest along the way.

"You don't need a million dollars,

you just need a good idea."

Max has had quite the life. Having spent his younger and part of his teenage years in Iran, seeing where he is at now you would never guess the hardships he has been through. He has put in a lot of hard work and hours to reach the life he lives, and it is now that he feels ready to share his passions and create the legacy for himself and Vancouver. From the time he was young, he always wanted to be in film. However, with the realities of his life, it was something he was never able to pursue.


With a son now who is passionate about film, it has rekindled the fire inside Max to relook at his love for the creative realm. After submitting to a few film festivals with his son, it clicked. A film festival. Not just any film festival, but one that serves a bigger purpose. A festival that caters to the creatives that submit. His goal: create a space where both new and experienced creatives can come together to celebrate film, learn from each other, and create connections that span the entire globe.


In addition to that, Max wants to kindle that desire from the industry that Hollywood/LA is not the only place you can go to if you want to make a name for yourself. The aspiration to have the Hollywood North Film Festival become part of the awards ceremony calendar, alongside the Oscars, the golden globes, The Emmys, is one that doesn’t feel as far fetched as one may think.


As a man who has brought many projects from ideas to fruition and further, Max Zahedi truly is a passionate visionary, where if he sets his mind to something there is not much that can deter him. We are so thrilled to have met him and get the privilege to work alongside him to bring his vision to life with this festival. 

Why we chose Max :

We were drawn to Max as a +1 due to his drive to share his passion with others. When he hit a point of feeling like it was no longer his window to enter or shine in the film industry, he immediately was drawn to creating a space for others to thrive and connect. Teaming up with him for this event is like being an engine that runs on air, we will never run out of fuel. His goals of sharing his passion and connecting others aligns beautifully with ours and we cannot wait to continue working on bringing his dream to fruition.

You have a passion and would like to be our +1 ? 

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